The Breyer SpotLight: Your Horse Model Market Resource
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In this issue
- Personal note from Bonnie
- LeAnn Thiemann
- News!
Personal note from Bonnie
It’s October 23rd already! I can’t believe the year is passing so quickly. When you receive this ezine, I will be in Utah with my wonderful Husband visiting our Grandson Everett for the very first time. You remember, that cute little red head we had pictured a while back? I am sure we will be enjoying our time with family and may have to give you a picture next time. LeAnn Thiemann
For this article however, I would like to share an experience my Husband and I were able to share back on October 11th. We had a rare opportunity to attend a conference featuring LeAnn Thiemann of Fort Collins CO. If you don’t know who LeAnn is, she is a very popular widely recognized writer and speaker and has co-authored 10 books in the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series.
Her presentation was simply outstanding to say the least. LeAnn has a rather unique story to tell. She was one of a handful of people who were instrumental in the Operation Baby Lift saving over 300 babies from the fall of Saigon in 1975. If you ever have a chance to listen to her in person, I highly recommend you do it no matter what the cost. You will receive more than you give.
The points that impressed me the most is that LeAnn does not consider herself a hero, she is “just an ordinary small town farm girl from Iowa”. However, she listened to that “still small voice” that told her to buy a dozen cupcakes to help starving children. What resulted impacted more lives than she could have ever imagined.
So I ask you, what is your still small voice saying to you? And are you listening?
It doesn’t matter how simple the idea may be, it only matters if you listen and then if you follow through with that voice. You have to take action. The morning that my husband and I were to go to this conference, the weather was wet and rainy, getting cold. Not exactly the type of morning I wanted to be up before 5:00am and out the door by 6:30 for sure. I asked my Husband, “should we just stay home??” Hoping he would tell me “yes, I’m not going anywhere in this.”
However, that is not what he said, bless his heart. He told me just what every wonderful Husband should do. He said, “It’s up to you Honey.” So I had to listen to my still small voice and we went. What we gained was worth far more than staying in bed and comfort a few more minutes.
Something to keep in mind as you start to listen to your “still small voice” is that it may not always tell you to do something easy. In fact, it may get to the point of great difficulty. And you can be sure that as you listen and then follow through, you will at some point in time experience some level of fear and certain doubt. Bob Proctor has quoted himself as saying, “This has to be right because I’m scared to death!” (Reference to Bob Proctor here.)
So what is your still small voice saying to you? Are you to open a store or a new business? Are you supposed to write a book or start coaching? Maybe start customizing your models or give classes. Each person has a different purpose and therefore a different “still small voice”. As a result there is no such thing as competition. What you do, think, feel and say as an individual will impact those that are drawn to you.
Your “still small voice” is trying to lead you to a certain goal to help certain people. Because your “still small voice” is unique to you, so will the people drawn to you be unique. And thus the purpose will be fulfilled.
And I can assure you: offering a return guarantee on your models or opening a business may be scary but it more than likely does not compare to landing in the middle of Saigon with bombs going off all around you as you try to save hundreds of babies in your care.
So have courage in spite of the fear and be willing to listen to that still small voice. If buying a dozen cupcakes can save 300 children, what can yours do?
To find more information on LeAnn Tieman go to LeAnnThieman where you will find all the books she has written available for a nominal fee.
Latest news!
We have been busy at work on a new ebook about how to showcase your model for that perfect sale with great pictures. So busy that sometimes we forget about everything else! But we paused just enough to add more pictures of vintage and retired running stallions to the site! To see these wonderful models click on the link below:
Vintage and Retired Breyer Running Stallions
As for that ebook, more on that is coming soon!