The Breyer Wixom Mold
The Wixom Mold is also known as Cedarfarm Wixom and is a beautiful Mold of a Percheron Mare. Breyer has used this Mold for some very outstanding Models since its release in 2001. There are of course the Wixom Models that are affordable for most of us; and then there are the Wixom Models that few and far between. Take for instance the BreyerFest Raffle and Prize Models with only 26 being made; one named Siren was featured as a raffle Model at BreyerFest of 2001 and another named Largo was a Prize Model at BreyerFest of 2003.
There are also the JAH, the Volunteer, and the West Coast Model Horse Collectors Jamboree Models as well. The Wixom Model pictured above is a WCMHCJ named Belle Fleur. This one is with the Matte finish with only 750 being made. The variation of this Model are the 25 that were produced in a glossy finish and were given as Judges Models the same year.
 The Cedarfarm Wixom pictured to the right is simply- Belgian Mare. She is one of the more affordable Wixom Models available. If you have the space for starting a Conga Line of Wixom Molds, you won't be disappointed. They are larger in size than most other Molds, (comparable to Wintersong) however, the sculpting, details and character in each of these Wixom Models is spectacular.